ѕponѕor credιтѕ
☆ Outfit: Eloise
→ Rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/Petite) and Legacy Female (Original/Perky) / Available in 15 designs or as Fatpack / Includes dress, body chains and hand chains / Fatpack comes with color HUD (2 metals for chains and 15 fades for dress)
From Sweet Kajira (MP / Flickr / FB) soon @ We love Role-Play (04.11-30.11.2021)
☆ Hair: Harper
→ Unrigged mesh hair with resizer / Includes duo, split and streak version also can be weared as solid colored hair / Includes style HUD (16 Styles + 3 textures and tinting option for hairband) and natural+unnatural Textur HUDS (each with 40 colors and materials option) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
from EscalateD (MP / Flickr / FB)
To achive the same look as I you need to buy the following Universal HUDs:
☆ Blondes Universal HUD→
HUD Includes 40 colors/fades to choose from (colorfade, white/colorfade, black/colorfade and streaks) / materials option / works with all hairstyles sold after Feb 2020
☆ Bloody Naturals Universal HUD
→ HUD Includes 40 colors (20 dipped in blood and 20 full bloody) / materials option / works with all hairstyles sold before Feb 2020