ѕponѕor credιтѕ
☆ Outfit: Savita Bikini
→ Rigged for Maitreya Lara (original/Petite), Legacy (Female/Perky), eBody Reobron Original and Inithium Kupra / Fatpack only! / Includes texture HUDs / Each HUD featuring 5 styles x 4 colors / Copy only!
From KIB Designs (MP / Flickr) @ Beauty Event (21.08. – 11.09.2023)
☆ Accessory: Heartful Succubus Particles
→ Fantasy/ Available as Fatpack / Fatpack comes with halo (8 Colors), hearts&sparkles(9 colors) ans a body Aura (11 Colors)/ Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Aerth (MP / FB / Flickr)
Accessory: Kat's Collar
→ Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Unrigged kinky unisex accessory with resizer / Includes 3 versions (Open Collar, Whim scripted and unscripted) and texture HUD / Texture HUD features 5 metals for bell and 18 colors for 2 faces (bow and collar) / Bell softly rings while walking + on/off options per chat / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Short Leash (MP / Flickr / FB)
Accessory: My Cat - Holders
→ Rigged fantasy themed Accessory / Rigged for Maitreya Lara, Legacy Female (Original/Perky/Petite) and eBody Reborn (Original/Juicy) / Original mesh and textures /Fatpack only! / Includes texture HUD / Texture HUD features 9 colors for Metal, 9 Colors for beads and 9 Colors for Fabric / Copy/mod/noTransfer !
From Fantasy World (Flickr / MP / FB)
Accessory: Cat Garters
→ Rigged fantasy themed Accessory / Rigged for Maitreya Lara, Legacy Female (Original/Perky/Petite) and eBody Reborn (Original/Juicy)/ Only MAZE.mods – Soft Thighs / Original mesh and textures /Fatpack only! / Includes texture HUD / Texture HUD features 9 colors for Metal, 9 Colors for beads and 9 Colors for Fabric / Copy/mod/noTransfer !
From Fantasy World (Flickr / MP / FB)
Other credιтѕ:
Head: Head Avalon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: Corazon Collection (Gloom)
Claws: Short Claws (L'Emporio)
Hair : Wolfie Hair (bonbon)