Samstag, 15. Mai 2021

☆ Post Nr. 609 mandu & Cherry Tot ☆


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

☆ outfit:
Scarlette dress – bunny
Scarlette dress - octopus

→ Available for ToddleeDoo Baby Fitted and Bebe Toddler in 3 Designs, shoes not includet

From Mandu @ Daydream

☆ Plushie:
Bunny Blanket Pink

→ holdable Plushie with resizer, 5 Colors, Copy only

From Cherry Tot @ Petit Chou

Other credιтѕ:

☆ body: BABY FITTED (ToddleeDoo)
☆ head: Baby Mesh Head #Bento - Moon (ToddleeDoo)
☆ hair: vina hair (bonbon
☆ eyes: Kitty 2 Eyes (YOSHI)
☆ ears: pixie ears (Swallow)

☆ body: BABY FITTED (ToddleeDoo)
☆ head: Baby Mesh Head #Bento - Moon (ToddleeDoo)
☆ hair: P02 (yumyum)

☆ deco: Wisteria Fatpack (Love)