☆ outfit:
Valravn Dress
→ Fantasy themed dress in sheer and solid version / Rigged for Legacy Female (original/perky) only! / Available in 5 colors (Forest, Phoenix, Last Sundown, Oceanic and Purple) or as Fatpack with 8 bonus color / Fatpack includes mix and match texture HUD (13 textures/colors for dress top, skirt, sleeves main right, sleeves main left, sleeves ruffles and leg cloth + 12 colors for sleeve feathers and belt feathers + 7 textures/colors for corset leather, corset leather strings, sash, lace, pearls, leg leather straps and leg pouch + 5 colors for bottles and 2 metals for ornaments) / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans
From Aerth (MP / FB / Flickr) @ Ritual (02.09.-22.09.2021)
Head: LeLUTKA Head – EvoX Avalon (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy - Perky Edition (Meshbody)
Eyes: Kitty 2 Eyes (YOSHI)
Hair: wolfie hair (bonbon)
Tattoo: Ardat Lilly Body tattoo Pink (Aerth)
Deco: Panyia Butterfly (Petrichor)