Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2022

☆ Post Nr. 860 SK ☆


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

☆ Outfit:
Fly costume

→ Rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/Petite), Legacy Female (Original and Perky) and eBody Reborn (+Juicy Add-on) / Original mesh and textures / Available in 8 colors or as Fatpack with special edition / Fatpack comes with mix and match HUD ( 9 colors for Top, 9 colors for Pants, 9 Colors for Socks, 2 Colors for Wings, 2 Colors for Bustle and 2 Color for Shoes) / Copy Only!

From SK (MP / Flickr / FB) @ Dubai Event (20.10.-10.11.2022)

Other credιтѕ:

Head: Head Avalon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Perky (Meshbody)
Eyes: Kitty 2 Eyes (YOSHI)
Hair: Reyane (Truth)

Background :
Enchanted Pond V2 (Studio Skye
Enchanted Woods (Studio Skye
 "silence" spider lily (anc