ѕponѕor credιтѕ
→ Fantasy themed fullbody BOM tattoo / Fatpack only! / SLUV and EVOX compatible / Includes BOM Tattoo for body and face (SLUV/EvoX) and Universal Layers for EvoX ears. Each in two colors (black and white) each in 4 opacity options (25% / 50% / 75% / 100%) + lining (EvoX and SLUV) and finger tattos in 2 colors (gold and silver) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Aerth (MP / FB / Flickr)
☆ Headdress: Harmony of heaven
→ Unrigged fantasy themed unisex Headwear with resizer / Original mesh and textures / Fatpack only! / Includes Headdress and texture HUD / Texture HUD features 4 metals for 5 faces (Metal, moons, flowers, leaves and swirls) and 7 colors for 2 faces (Beads and gems) + hide/show toggle for chain / Copy only!
From Fantasy World (Flickr / MP / FB)
☆ Outfit: "Chamomile"
→ Fantasy themd rigged mesh Outfit / Rigged for Maitreya Lara and Legacy Female / Available in 5 color packs or as Fatpack / Each pack includes dress, pastie (not shown here) and garters / Fatpack includes texture HUD / Texture HUD features 10 colors for 2 faces (dress and ribbons) / Copy only!
From Antaya (MP / FB / Flickr)
Other credιтѕ:
☆ Leslie:
Head: Head Avalon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: Jet Eyes (YOSHI)
Claws: Demonic Touch (Aii & Ego)
☆ Backdrop(Deco):
Sunken Temple Backdrop (SynnergyTavis)