Mittwoch, 17. April 2024

☆ Post Nr. 949 - UNA @ Fantasy Faire, Antaya, Rakshasa, Aelithe, Wasabi and Truth ☆


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

☆ Outfit: Federica
Roleplay themed mesh Outfit / Rigged for Maitreya Lara (LaraX/PetiteX), Legacy Female (Original/Perky) and eBody Reborn (Original/Waifu) / Original mesh and textures / available in single colors or as Fatpack / Each pack includes belt, skirt, top and veil / Fatpacks includes texture HUD (With bonus colors!) featuring 22 colors for 3 faces (top, skirt and veil) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From UNA (MP / FB / Flickr) soon @ Fantasy Faire (18.04.-05.05.2024)

☆ Accessoire: Leather Slave Paper Holder
Rigged roleplay/gor themed accessoire / Original mesh and textures / Rigged for Maitreya Lara, Legacy Female and eBody Reborn (+ also for MAZE Soft thighs Mods from all before listed Bodys) / Includes texture HUD (4 colors in 4 designs for leather and 3 metals) / With RP friendly features (Gives out a Notecard and a scroll with bento holding pose to everyone who click the bag) / Fatpack only! / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Antaya (MP / FB / Flickr)

☆  Shoes: Shoes Sionn
Rigged roleplay themed unisex mesh shoes / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Rigged for Belleza Jake, Maitreya Lara, Legacy (Female/Male), eBody Reborn, Signature Gianni and Inithium (Kario/Kupra) / Available as female and male Fatpack! / Fatpacks including mix and match HUD featuring 6 leathers for sole and 12 colors for fabric / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Rakshasa / Former "R3D Studio" (MP / Flickr / FB)

☆ Pose: The Morrigan
→ Roleplay themed bento Solo pose / Pack includes poses, poseballs and  Raven on Skull + sword props / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aelithe (MP / FB / Flickr)

☆ Hair: Lush
→ Fitted mesh (No resize) / Available in 7 color packs (Blonde, brunette, candy, essential, grayscale, jewel and redhead) or as Fatpack / Each color HUD comes with 4 styling options, Streak and full coloring option + materials, full bright and delete scripts options / Includes 4 sizes (each with 4 breast options) / Also comes with a Accessory HUD featuring 16 colors, tinting and hide/show function / Copy only!

From Wasabi (MP / Flickr / FB) and Truth (MP / Flickr / FB)

Other credιтѕ:

☆ Cera:
Head: Head Kaya 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body-Mod: Soft Thighs BoM (MAZE)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Perky (Meshbody)
Eyes: Elysian Eyes (Avi Glam)

☆ Backdrop:
Zamalek Day Backdrop (The Bearded Guy)